Agricultural engineering against climate change

Jun 25, 2024

More than 280 researchers, over 230 papers presented of which 150 were oral, 16 universities and various Italian research institutions involved, 10 industrial stakeholders: these are the numbers of the AIIA (Italian Agricultural Engineering Association) Midterm Conference, which for the first time since 1957, the year it was founded, is being held in Padua and organized by the Land and Agro-forestry Systems Department (TeSAF) of the University of Padua.

The event will kick off on June 17, 2024 at 2 p.m. with the opening ceremony in the Aula Magna of the Palazzo del Bo and will continue on June 18 and 19 in the Padova Congress halls of the Padova Exhibition Center.

It is an important opportunity for the exchange of experiences and research results among scholars in the fields of agricultural hydrology and hydraulics, rural construction and agro-forestry territory, agricultural, forestry and green machinery, energy and applied digitization in agriculture, and represents a qualified and exclusive stage for enhancing and publicizing technical and technological innovations of products or processes by companies and institutions operating in these fields.

All participants are expected to discuss and reflect on the role of Agricultural Engineering in promoting and developing resilience to mitigate climate change within agricultural, agribusiness, and forestry systems. Soil defense and water control in extreme weather scenarios, sustainable and circular digital technologies applied to the productive sector of agriculture, livestock and in the agri-food industry, energy transition, and evolutions with regard to construction, land and rural landscape planning and design are all topical and strategically important issues which the scholars present will discuss. For more information, please visit the web site